
A few months ago, I received an email from a newly elevated partner at a law firm where I used to work.
The new partner expressed his appreciation for my support during his associate years, which helped him achieve his milestone moment. I have since reflected on what that support looked like over the years: ultimately it was simple – I believed in the dream he had for himself.
He was thoughtful and thorough in his planning and he was tenacious… and I held him firmly accountable to his dream. He came to rely on my fiercely honest approach to feedback. I served as a gut check. I was a listening ear. I was his champion.
I have helped many people rise in the ranks; I know what it takes to succeed. I delight in nothing more than helping people drive for the vision they have for themselves.
And I know what it’s like to want more for yourself.
As a Senior Associate at an AmLaw 50 Firm, I knew that I wanted and needed more… more human connection.
While I loved the strategic thinking and problem solving requirements of my job, my practice was too solitary – I was missing my joy factor – I set out to change that! I know what it’s like to take a risk on yourself. Mine required me to quit the practice of law and take an entry level job in professional development. It was a necessary shift for me to orient around human connection in a personally meaningful way. I could now focus on my passion for developing other professionals. I have spent nearly 10 years feeding that passion: training people in the critical “soft” skills (which I call core skills) and coaching people to determine, set and achieve their goals.
I consider myself a joy junkie. Now, when I engage participants in a training or a coaching client has an ah-ha moment, I can’t help but smile to myself. I’mpossible. I am in my happy zone – really my Strengths zone.
I am doing what I do best every day – igniting the power and potential in others.
As a person high in the Clifton Strengths theme of Communication, Activator, Achiever, Positivity and Woo, I have been driving toward what I had a natural affinity for all along. Through dynamic presentations, powerful questions, perspective shifting, fierce honesty, and firm accountability, I lead professionals and executives to fulfilling, engaging and successful endeavors. And I will blow the doors wide open on the possibilities for your future.